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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

iPhone 4 Smashing Sales Records

iPhone 4 Smashing Sales Records

Well the other day I wrote a blurb on how the iPad sales have eclipsed 3 million. The iPhone 4 is looking to destroy that record. The sales for the new iPhone 4 hit around 1.7 million units in it’s first week! With that many iPhone 4 units sold so far, it’s looking like Apple will pocket somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.7 billion. That’s no chump change folks.

It’s not surprising that iPhone 4 sales passed the iPad. The new iPhone 4 has been anticipated by many for not just months but for a few years now. It seemed like as soon as the 3GS came out people were wondering when the new iPhone would come out. Quite a few people who had the iPhone 3G when the 3GS came out said they were going to wait until the next iPhone was going to come out. It looks like those people kept their promise to themselves.

Want to get your hands on one? Click here to get a free iPhone 4.

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iPhone 4 Smashing Sales Records...

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

iPhone4 Release Date Gets Pushed Back...Again

iPhone 4 release date gets pushed back again...

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/16/10

Not even 24 hours after the iPhone 4 pre order gong show, the iPhone 4 release date has been pushed back again. This is the second time in less than a day that the release date has been adjusted.

During the iPhone 4 pre order frenzy, people were getting dropped off AT&Ts website and the site was experiencing overload. People were not receiving their confirmation email for 10-12 hours, some even waited 24 hours. Yesterday the iPhone 4 release date was pushed back to July 2nd. Now it's being pushed back even further, apparently now set to release on July 24th. Sheesh.

Anyways, it's not certain whether the people who actually ordered and recieved confirmation on the 15th will get their iPhone 4 on the 2nd of July. To be honest, I don't even think Apple knows when everyone is going to wind up getting their new iPhone 4. Stay tuned...

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

iPhone 4 Release Date

iPhone 4 Release Date

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By Global Insignias

The iPhone 4 release date has been pushed back again!
The iPhone 4 release date has been pushed back again!

The iPhone 4 release date has been a hot topic recently. Not only that, it's been very inconsistent. The big iPhone 4 pre order date was June 15th, and as some of you may already know from first hand experience, it didn't go quite as smoothly as some would have hoped. There have been stories of people on AT&Ts web site, trying to pre order the new iPhone, and they were disconnected several times. There are other people who spent all day online trying to get the iPhone only to come up empty handed. And when people were actually successful in ordering one, they didn't get their confirmation email for 10-12 hours. Some people still haven't got their confirmation email. I think we all knew there was going to be craziness in trying to get the iPhone 4, but I don't think anyone quite expected this.

So When Is The iPhone 4 Release Date?

Well, this seems to be an up in the air kind of thing. At first, the plan was to have the iPhone 4 ready to be in stores for June 24th. That was, of course, the plan prior to pre order pandamonium. The it was announced yesterday that iPhone 4 pre orders were ceased and the new iPhone 4 release date was pushed back to July 2nd. Now less than 24 hours later there has been another change to the release date. The iPhone 4 is now apparently being pushed back even further, set for release on July 24th. Talk about a gong show. Now it's not confirmed whether the July 24th release date is for people who order the iPhone 4 after June 15th, but since some people are getting their email confirmation 10-12 hours or more after they ordered it's hard to tell who this new release date will apply to. Good grief...

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iPhone 4 release date problems...

Posted via web from free-iphone-4's posterous

AT&T Not Prepared For the iPhone 4 Frenzy

AT&T has iPhone 4 problems

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/16/10

So yesterday was the big pre order day for the new iPhone 4, and AT&T had their hands full. I was on twitter for a good part of the day checking out everyones reactions and experiences and it seemed a little chaotic.

First off, some people weren't getting their confirmation email from AT&T for like 10-12 hours. I don't know if that's normal or not, but it sure doesn't seem to be. I can only assume they didn't have a few people writing and sending out the confirmation emails and that it was automated. But 10 hours for an automated response seems a little extreme.

Anyone who was using the Apple store app to order their iPhone 4 ran into some serious problems. Apparently people were being taken to other peoples accounts with the other persons information being available. Luckily none of the information being exposed was credit card details, call history or social insurance numbers. But still, that's not good.

So with AT&T dropping the ball in a major way, it doesn't look promising for everything to get ironed out and go smoothly from here on out. The delivery date has already been pushed back to
July 2nd and it wouldn't surprise me if more things went haywire. Anyways, it should make for some interesting news stories.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Want a White iPhone 4? Tough...You've Gotta Wait!

News on the white iPhone 4 release date...

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/15/10

Apple really knows how to create a firestorm. When it comes to their products, they are marketing masters. And once again they're proving it. The white iPhone 4 won't be available for the iPhone 4 pre-order today, and it won't be available on the 24th, which is the official iPhone 4 release date.

I myself prefer the with iPhone 4 to the black one, and from what I've been reading around on different blogs I'm not alone in my preference. For some reason I think it looks really sharp. It's hard to knock Apple for the way they do things. I mean, they are kinda successful and junk. But it is a tad frustrating that they do these kinds of things.

There's no word yet on when the white iPhone 4 will be available. I'm sure it won't be too much longer after the 24th of June. But you never know. Some how I don't think this is going to stop too many people from getting their hands on the new iPhone 4 though.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Monday, June 14, 2010

iPhone 4 to be sold at Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Radio Shack

The iPhone 4 will be available at a few places...

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/14/10

With the iPhone 4 release date coming up pretty quick, a few more stores have announced that they will be selling the new iPhone. Obviously you'll be able to get the iPhone 4 through Apple, at their stores and online. But now Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Radio Shack have said that they'll be selling it as well.

This is a good sign for the consumers because it will make the new iPhone 4 much more readily available. There's no doubt Apple will still only ship out so many iPhones, keeping with their usual trend of providing limited supplies of their product so it becomes more sought after.

But what this may be good for is the people that don't live near an Apple store or don't shop online. It also may mean that you may only have to wake up at 4am to line up to get one instead of having to spend the night at a store to ensure your place in line. Yay.

In all seriousness though this is a good thing. Apple is finally becoming more willing to put their products in stores they may not have previously, at least not when it's initially being released. Pre-orders online and at Apple stores start June 15th, as well as at Best Buy or Best Buy mobile and Radio Shack. Radio Shack is requesting customers make a $50 dollar deposit.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Saturday, June 12, 2010

iPhone 4 Bumpers

Check out the new iPhone 4 bumpers...

via New iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/12/10

These are nothing like the bumpers you saw while watching Saturday morning cartoons. This is the new iPhone 4 bumper, which was revealed yesterday. They are made of a rubber and go around the iPhone 4 like a band around the edges. Apple claims that it will add a touch of style to any iPhone 4. Since the front and the back are covered in a glass plate that Apple says is made of the same kind of glass used on helicopters, covering is really only needed for the metal edge of the iPhone. I like the iPhone 4 bumpers, although I'm not too hot on the colors they've released. Anyways, here are a few pics:

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

iPhone 4 Price

The new iPhone 4 price...

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/8/10

With the iPhone finally being introduced yesterday quite a bit more information was found out. More importantly, the iPhone 4 price was introduced as well. They come in 16GB and 32GB, black or white. The 16GB iPhone 4 price is $199 and the 32GB iPhone 4 price is $299.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Apple iPhone 4 Review: You Could Get a Free iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4 Review: You Could Get a Free iPhone 4

Edit Article | Posted: Jun 08, 2010 | Comments: 0 | Views: 46 | Bookmark and Share

Apple iPhone 4 Review: You Could Get a Free iPhone 4

By: Anthony Jackson

About the Author

(ArticlesBase SC #2579356)

Article Source: - Apple iPhone 4 Review: You Could Get a Free iPhone 4

Today was the beginning of the big WWDC. And people were anxiously awaiting a certain announcement of a certain phone. Well it finally happened. Steve Jobs introduced the new Apple iPhone 4 to the world and it seems like it's right on the money. There are, of course some improvements to it which will make a lot of people happy. I'm going to tell you how you can get a chance to get a free iPhone 4 as well so hang tight.

Everyone had their expectations for the new iPhone 4 and were hoping that Apple made the right moves. There are quite a few new features, well over 100 to be more accurate. Apple claims it's one of the most beautiful, precise things we've ever made. This is music to a lot of peoples ears. So let's go over some of the new features.

The new iPhone 4 is quite a bit slimmer, which is definitely a good thing. It's 9.3 mm thick, which is 24% slimmer than it's older counterparts. This will also make it a little lighter, not like it weighs a ton or anything anyways.

The sides have metal bands that are actually functional. They are part of the antenna system. One side is for Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS, while the other side is for UMTS and GSM. This is really utilizing everything on the phone, it's quite amazing really.

There is of course the front facing camera which was to be expected. This is a great added feature as the new iPhone 4 supports iChat. The camera system is new as well. It's a 5 megapixel camera with 5x digital zoom (cropping) and tap to focus with an LED flash. The camera also records HD video, 720p at 30fps complete with built in video editing tools.

The display is apparently something to behold. A dramatic increase in pixel density with 326 pixels per inch. 300ppi is the limit of the human eye when an object is held 10-12 inches from the eye, so it's obviously going to be very clear.

There will be more specs on the new iPhone 4 as the week goes on and Apple officially releases all the information. It really looks like Apple hit a home run with it though, and I think a lot of people are going to be satisfied. As I mentioned earlier, you can get a free iPhone 4 by visiting, so check it out and beat the madness.

(ArticlesBase SC #2579356)

Anthony Jackson

Anthony Jackson - About the Author:

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    Great iPhone 4 review

    Posted via web from free-iphone-4's posterous

    iPhone 4 Review: Win an iPhone 4

    How you can win an iPhone 4

    Posted via web from free-iphone-4's posterous

    iPhone 4 Review

    Here is a iPhone 4 review, looks like its pretty nice.

    via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/8/10

    Well the new iPhone is finally here and it seems like it's not going to disappoint. So here's an iPhone 4 review with some of the new features:

    • First off it's going to be released on June 24th in the usual black and white cases and will be available in 16GB and 32GB. (sigh I was really hoping for a 64GB but whatever)
    • The new operating system, called iOS4, will be out June 21st.
    • It's only 9.3mm thick, which is 24% slimmer than the old one for those of you keeping track at home.
    • It's got a 5 megapixel camera with 5x zoom and it shoots HD quality video
    • It's also got the front facing camera, which is cool.
    • The sides have metal which is actually a functioning antenna system. One side has WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. The other side has GSM and UMTS.
    • The display has improved pixel quality, with 326ppi, 330ppi is the limit for the human eye at a distance of 10 to 12 inches from the eye, so the display will be amazing.
    These are just a few of the new features for the phone. More details will be coming out very soon, so stay tuned...

    Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous