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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

iPhone 4 Release Date

iPhone 4 Release Date

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By Global Insignias

The iPhone 4 release date has been pushed back again!
The iPhone 4 release date has been pushed back again!

The iPhone 4 release date has been a hot topic recently. Not only that, it's been very inconsistent. The big iPhone 4 pre order date was June 15th, and as some of you may already know from first hand experience, it didn't go quite as smoothly as some would have hoped. There have been stories of people on AT&Ts web site, trying to pre order the new iPhone, and they were disconnected several times. There are other people who spent all day online trying to get the iPhone only to come up empty handed. And when people were actually successful in ordering one, they didn't get their confirmation email for 10-12 hours. Some people still haven't got their confirmation email. I think we all knew there was going to be craziness in trying to get the iPhone 4, but I don't think anyone quite expected this.

So When Is The iPhone 4 Release Date?

Well, this seems to be an up in the air kind of thing. At first, the plan was to have the iPhone 4 ready to be in stores for June 24th. That was, of course, the plan prior to pre order pandamonium. The it was announced yesterday that iPhone 4 pre orders were ceased and the new iPhone 4 release date was pushed back to July 2nd. Now less than 24 hours later there has been another change to the release date. The iPhone 4 is now apparently being pushed back even further, set for release on July 24th. Talk about a gong show. Now it's not confirmed whether the July 24th release date is for people who order the iPhone 4 after June 15th, but since some people are getting their email confirmation 10-12 hours or more after they ordered it's hard to tell who this new release date will apply to. Good grief...

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iPhone 4 release date problems...

Posted via web from free-iphone-4's posterous

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